Friday, 22 May 2009


is now 8 days in. Wow it went so quickly. We have a great team already even though the counsellors and support staff haven't arrived yet. We've had a camp fire.

We camped out. I got eaten up by the mosquitos! We ate hobo dinners.

And today we did canoe training, well..... I say we but I didn't get in a canoe! I don't do small boats, I've fallen out of too many! I got to take lots of photos though.

I did make some cards this week as well, one I've given away already but these two are for two girls who I'm going to be supporting/supervising this summer. They both have birthdays this weekend so I made them cards which will also be to welcome them.

Anyway I have first aid kits to check so I'm off!


Keshet said...

Cute cards!

Keshet said...

Me again! Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'd love to see more of your projects!

Keshet said...

Thanks for the sweet comment on my blog! I really appreciate it! And the salad actually was really great!

Diana said...

Hi Naomi
You won the stamps on my blog giveaway ;-)
Please get in touch with me artemis dot jamaica at gmail dot com with your address so I can get the stamps out to you as soon as possible